Amateur Weiqi's Journal

Hi, I kklim from Malaysia. Here my blog on amateur weiqi player.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

World's Greatest Weiqi Player - Go Seigen


Today just think to write a chinese poetry to express my respect on the Mr. Go Seigen. He outstanding performance on the 10 rounds game, and really postone and defeat all the strongest player within thier peak performance period for 30 years. During Go's peak performance period, he play just motivate me and enlight me. Even later he facing accident cause problem in his head (which I'm think affect his mental skill), and till now still researching on the 21st century way of play weiqi. His life is just an outstanding example to be learned from.

Upcoming will have a chinese movie about his story will be show on the chinema - title 《棋圣 吴清源》(translate: Kisei Go Seigen), which I highly expect to have a look to see what different on the movie compare with his real life story. Mr. Go already fly to China and approve the script of the movie during last year.